The City's Best and Brightest Saluted for their Academic Achievement: Atlantic City High School's Top 10 Seniors
May 20, 2024
The Atlantic City Public School District celebrates the accomplishments of its top students. These bright young scholars have reached a pinnacle of academic excellence. They embody the district's commitment to high educational standards and student achievement. They have also spent the past year demonstrating hard work and resilience. Meet the 2024, top 10 Atlantic City High School seniors.
#1 Uddin, Nusrat
Name: Nusrat Uddin
Activities: National Honor Society, Leo Club, Key Club, Math Club, Mighty Writers
College/University: Rutgers University
Best Memory of Atlantic City High School: "Period 3 AP Statistics (sophomore year)"
#2 Carrasco, Ellie
Name: Ellie Carrasco
Activities: Crew, tennis, basketball, National Honor Society, Student Council, Hope for AC, Leo Club, Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program, Harvard Summer School: Pre-College Program, Leaders In Training Youth Workforce Development Program, Stockton Goals Gear Up, Parish of Saint Monica volunteering, Atlantic City Arts Foundation volunteering, and work at Holiday Inn Express.
College/University: Columbia University
Best Memory of Atlantic City High School: "Attending Friday night football games and supporting our school’s team with friends wearing fun themes in our student section "
#3 Mammucari, Sophia Rose
Name Sophia Mammucari
Activities: Atlantic City Crew Team (varsity), Key Club President, Student Council President, Honor Society, Leo Club, Hope for AC club, the Telluride Association Anti-Oppressive Summer Seminar, The Higher EDvantage social media campaign (@Thehigheredvantage on TikTok and Instagram) that I started, and volunteering at The Boys and Girls Club
College/University: Harvard University
Best memory of Atlantic City High School: "Meeting a diverse group of people and attending events such as World Cultures Day, football games, and pep rallies"
#4 Mim, Muntaha Mahjabin
Name: Muntaha Mim
Activities: NHS, Hope for AC, Science League, Leo Club, Cross Country, Knitting Club
College/University: Rutgers University
Best Memory: "Going to SEL Saturdays to hang out with friends"
#5 Naser, Saif
Name: Saif Naser
Activities: Robotics Club Co-founder, Varsity Tennis, National Honor Society
College/University: Still waiting on waitlists, backup University of Arizona
Best Memory of Atlantic City High School: "5th Period AP Computer Science in 2022 after it became a free period"
#6 Duerr, Maxwell
Maxwell Duerr
Robotics Team, Academic Challenge, Mock Trial, Math Club
College/University: Lafayette College
Best Memory: "Joining the rookie robotics team early on this year. Despite our inexperience, the team proved to have an all-star cast, and we advanced a lot further than we expected."
#7 Malakar, Debesh
Name: Debesh Malakar
Activities: Hope for AC Club, Leo Club, Salvation Army Volunteer, Mighty Writers, Mark Cuban AI Foundation
College/University: Rutgers University
Best Memory: Unavailable
#8 Wu, Christina
Name: Christina Wu
Activities: World Cultures Club (President), Hope for AC (Vice President), Class of 2024 (Public Relations Officer), National Honor Society (Public Relations Officer), Key Club (Webmaster), Robotics Club (Webmaster), Leo Club, Student Council, Red Cross Club
College/University: Rutgers University
Best Memory of Atlantic City High School: "Performing with my friends during the annual World Cultures Show"
#9 Ahanaf, Zarif
Name: Zarif Ahanaf
Activities: Academic Challenge Team Captain and Leo Club President
College/University: Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Best memory of Atlantic City High School: "My favorite memory is of the time I spent my sophomore year summer volunteering at the summer academy here at the high school. That summer was really fun because I got to hang out with and get closer to new friends while assisting our underclassmen and teachers."
#10 Afra, Orshi Nawal
Name : Orshi Afra
Activities : Vice President of the World Cultures Club, Vice President of Key Club, Treasurer of Class of 24, National Honor Society, Girls Lacrosse Team Manager, Hope for AC, Leo Club
College/University: Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Best Memory of Atlantic City High School : "My best memory of ACHS would be performing in the cultural showcase organized by the World Cultures Club during my junior year! I enjoyed dancing in two performances, walking in the cultural fashion show, and most importantly, performing alongside students from various cultural backgrounds."