Transportation Handbook

Parents, Guardians, and STudents
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

The Atlantic City Board of Education shall transport eligible pupils to and from school and school related activities in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:39-1 et seq., N.J.A.C. 6A:27-1 et seq. and Board Policy.

Transportation shall be provided only to eligible students K – 8th grades who live more than 2 miles from home to school they attend and in grades 9th- 12th who live more than 2.5 miles from home to school.


Safety is the highest priority of the transportation department. We ask for your cooperation with school personnel in implementing proper behavior patterns for those pupils who ride the bus. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. You can assist us by reading and explaining the Bus Safety handbook with your child before the start of school.

 Parents and Bus Riders

The goal of the Bus Safety handbook is to help provide safe transportation for students who ride the school buses. Parents should take time to read and discuss this material in this handbook with their child. Riding the school bus is a privilege provided by the school district and should be treated as such. To ignore these rules may result in disciplinary action or suspension of the privilege to ride the school bus.



Bus Regulations


Since a school bus is considered an extension of the classroom, bus driver has the same authority as a teacher in dealing with student management. The rules and regulations of the school district shall be applied to all students that are transported by Atlantic City Public School District.

In addition, the bus riders need to adhere to the following regulations and rules:

1.   Students will show respect for the bus driver at all times.

2.   Students must be on time at the designated bus stop.  Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus and are expected to show special consideration for the lawns, bushes, and property of other people.

3.   Riders must not approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop.


4.   Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.

5.   Students must show their school I.D. card/bus pass to the bus driver, no student will be able to board the bus without a school I.D. card/buss pass.

6.   Students maybe assigned seats.


7.   Students must remain seated and are required to wear seat belts while the bus is in motion.

8.   Avoid reckless and boisterous activity at all times, including during waits at pickup points.

Loud talking, laughing, or unnecessary confusion can divert the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident.

9.   Students must not extend any portion of the body out of the bus windows and the throwing of materials is strictly prohibited at all times at the bus stop and on the bus.


10. Students are expected to take care of bus seats and other equipment. Vandalism will be prosecuted.

11. Smoking, eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not permitted on the bus.

12. The aisles must be kept clear of personal belongings.

13. Oversized school projects and /or large musical instruments should be transported by parents/guardians. In the case of an emergency evacuation, large objects could hamper the safety of students’ evacuation the school bus.

14. Use the emergency door and emergency equipment only during supervised evacuation drills or in an actual emergency.

15. Bus riders are expected to be courteous to fellow pupils. This includes helping to look after the safety of smaller children.


16. The driver is not permitted to stop at places other than the regular bus stop without proper authorization from a school official.


17. Students must observe safety precautions when leaving the bus. After existing, move directly away from the bus. If it is necessary to cross the street, proceed to a point at least 10 feet beyond the stop arm in front of the bus on the right shoulder of the street where traffic may be observed in both directions. Wait for a signal from the driver permitting you to cross.

18. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than the one they are assigned to.



 Bus Video Surveillance System


1.   A bus video surveillance system is an operation to help monitor students while they ride district buses. Bus safety is a top priority and bus drivers cannot watch the road and closely monitor students at the same time.

2.   The surveillance system will help monitor student behavior and permit the bus driver to concentrate on driving.

Disciplinary Procedures

Violations of the rules regarding pupil conduct on school buses will be handled as follows:


1.   The driver will report the offensive conduct to the Principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled by submission of a completed written form that includes the name of the pupil, the school, and the specific offensive conduct.

2.   The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be notified, by copy of the form, of the pupil’s conduct.

3.   The Principal will determine the discipline to be administered, in accordance with the severity of the infraction. In general, when the offense in not severe:

The first notice of misconduct:

·     Pupil will be counseled

·     Parent notification and parent conference

·     Loss of bus privileges for up to remainder of the year

·     Up to 5 days of suspension

The second notice and all subsequent notices of misconduct:

·     Parent notification and parent conference

·     Up to 10 days of suspension

·     Loss of bus privileges for two weeks or up to remainder of the year


When the misconduct is severe, the pupil may be summarily suspended from the bus penning a conference with the parent(s) or Legal guardian(s) and further disciplinary action.


The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be responsible for the student’s transportation for the duration of loss of bus privileges.

Parents/Guardian’s Instructions

1.   Must realize that school transportation is a PRIVILEGE.

2.   Shall advise their children, on an ongoing basis, of the regulations to be observed when riding a school bus.

3.   Have their children at their bus stop 10 minutes prior to the arrival of the bus.


4.   Are responsible for their child’s safety and conduct prior to boarding and after drop off at the designated stop.

5.   Are expected to meet the bus at the designated stop, be visible to the bus driver or have a responsible sibling or caregiver there when Kindergarten students are being picked up or dropped off.

6.   Are expected to cooperate with the school principal and bus driver.

7.   Realize that the bus driver is not authorized to change bus stops or routes.  All changes must be authorized through the Transportation Department.

8.   Must notify the school of any changes of address. The school will notify the Transportation


9.   Are financially responsible for any willful damage done to the bus by their children.

10. Are not permitted to ride the school bus.

11. Must realize that in order to ensure safe transportation, objects that may hinder the safe operation of the vehicle or the safety of the students will not be permitted on the school bus.

12. Should remove all drawstrings and toggles from outer clothing to prevent these from being caught in handrails and doors.

13. Late buses from the high school will be made available for students who are involved in extra-curricular activities.

14. If a student misses the bus, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to or from school. We recommend the parent/guardian instruct the student on a pre-planned procedure to follow in this situation.

During the first week of school, please allow additional time for the bus drivers and students to familiarize themselves with the routes. Route #'s are clearly posted in the bus window next to the doors.